What another crazy year it has been and we’re hoping you are all doing well! We have zoomed right through 2021 and are ready for our Annual Enrollment Period again! We always wonder what changes are going to come about each year and this year is no different.
This is the time of year to evaluate your current health or drug plan to be sure it will continue working well for you throughout next year. For our Medicare clients, you will be receiving your “Annual Notice of Change” letter from your current carrier for your Part D drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan. This will advise you of any changes to your plan. If you are not happy with the changes or you would like an evaluation, we can do a plan review. Our staff is ready to assist you.
If you would like a review, please either call or email our office with your current prescription medication information (click here for our prescription medication form). After receiving the updated information, we will do our analysis and then call you to review or make an appointment. Remember that you must make your changes within these dates:
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Oct 15 – Dec 7
Individual (Under 65) Open Enrollment Period Oct 15– Jan 31
As Independent Agents, we represent all the carriers so you can be assured that we will do a thorough review of all your options. If you are satisfied with your current coverage you don’t need to do anything, your plan will automatically renew. If you do reach out, please know that we get many calls in the first few weeks of open enrollment and we will get back to you in the order they come in, so please be patient with us. We will get back to you.
As always we feel blessed for your continued loyalty and hopefully we will see some of your smiling faces this year!
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